Demi Lovato 2011 tour update!
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J.O.N.A.S Backstage
Did Joe Jonas Really Just Put a Ring on Ashley Greene?!
"Uh-oh, could another JoBro be off the market?
Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene were snapped arriving in LAX last night after spending the holidays with the Twilight star's family in Florida. Ash had her hands full with her dog, Marlow...and a gold ring on that finger!
So did Joe pop the question?
Not so much.
The stars' reps haven't responded to requests for comment, but a source close to the couple tells E! News that it's not an engagement ring.
Whew! JoBros fans can breathe a sigh of relief.
(And besides, that flower ring doesn't look like much of an engagement ring anyway.)
Joe and Ashley will be heading to Sin City for the Coldplay concert tomorrow night—let's see if she comes back with a different kind of ring on her finger!
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Joe och Ashley tweeting från flygplanet

Joe laddar upp inför det nya året!

Från Denises twitter

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Turne 2011 för Demi Lovato?
Seems we might see Demi Lovato back on the road in 2011…
According to the Washington Post (via MTV), the 18-year-old musician is still planning a solo tour in the upcoming year.
Demi told AP recently about her plan to keep ticket prices low and reasonable for all of her fans. “I have best friends that aren’t in the industry and are dealing with just buying groceries and things like that, so I want to do my part,” she said.
DO YOU THINK Demi will still go on tour in ‘11?
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Demi Settles Lawsuit With Dancer She Assaulted
After Demi Lovato punched dancer Alex Welch in the face on a private jet in October, she got slapped with a lawsuit.
But it is all been settled now! Welch will walk away with an undisclosed amount of money.
Welch's attorney, Donald Karpel, said, "The parties are satisfied and the dispute has been resolved amicably and completely."
Glad both of them can move on!
God jul önskar Miley Cyrus
Nytt Jobro album 2011?
Is everyone ready for new Jonas Brothers music like we are?
Nick, Joe and Kevin recently chatted with Pennsylvania’s The Morning Call about possibly releasing an album in 2011.
Kevin revealed, “we’re just making the music that we love. And of course being an artist there’s always time to try and reinvent yourself and make what you have fresh, and I think that’s goal for every artist out there.”
“As far as the next Jonas Brothers album, I think we’re working right now on what that’s going to sound like,” Nick added, “Just you know, taking our time and really trying to make something great, no matter how long it takes. Hopefully, 2011 is the timeline, but we’re not sure just yet.”
Joe is already embarking on a solo album for later 2011.
Read more/källa:

Demi Lovato tillbaka från rehab!
Nytt! Get the Look: Selena Gomez

Joe & Kevin Jonas i mini format!

How to dress like a jonas brother
Jonas brothers i Abu Dhabi
Justin och Selena ?

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Demi Lovato med familj på julafton
God jul önskar Selena gomez
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Snart är det jul!

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Selena gomez & Justin bieber dejtar(?)

Justin och Selena sågs ute i Miami igår och det är så uppenbart att de var på en dejt! Kolla bara in det blygsöta kroppsspråket mellan dem. Även om Selena är två år äldre än Justin, så ser hon fortfarande väldigt tagen ut av honom. Det är hur sött som helst!"
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Nick är och bowlar

The cast of wizard of wavely place dancing
Happy 1st anniversary Kevin & Danielle!

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Joe Jonas i top chef full episode
Kevin Jonas: We wish Demi Lovato well !
Joe & Ashley bor tillsammans?
Just a week after Ashley Greene gave her boyfriend Joe Jonas keys to her West Hollywood apartment [Granville Towers], a source told Star that Jashley are now living together in the two bedroom condo. Do you think Joe bought the Sleeper Sofa because he sleeps in the other bedroom? The friend revealed: 'Living..
..with a woman is totally new to him. He’s going all out to make it work. He wants them to last. Joe spent a lot of money to make her place more guy-friendly. Joe has already bought loads of home accessories like linens, lights & a new media center. He says Ashley has really girly tastes, so he wanted to balance out the place.'
Källa: Oceanup
Nick scenes in Les Miserables part 1&2
Band in a bus Ep. 1-5
Band in a bus Ep. 6-10
Alex Welch talar ut om Demi's slag
Ännu en bild till på demi

Selena Gomez Talks Post-Wizards Acting
Camp rock 2 - Wardrobe secrets
Nick jonas on family guy
Miley om vattenpipan "Det är ingen big deal - jag hade roligt"
Vi tror att nu när Miley är 18 har hon gjort det till sitt uppdrag att få fram en poäng. Hon är ingen söt och oskyldig tjej längre och hon vill att hela världen ska veta det! Att röka vattenpipa med "slavia och marijuana" eller vad det nu var är inte direkt det smartaste sättet att visa det Miley! Enligt Miley är hon inte det minsta orolig över vad folk tycker om hennes festande och påhitt, hon är allt för upptagen med att njuta av sitt liv och gå vidare med sin karriär. Sheesh! Vilken attityd!

Ny skandal bild från demi?

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Skittles machine
Joe Jonas is definitely about to get his fill of Skittles.
The 21-year-old has gotten his hands on a custom Skittles machine. The best part of the machine, which has the Skittles slogan “Taste the Double Rainbow” on it, is: No money required. The custom machine features a motion-operated voice recorder that Joe can customize with any message he wants and will be restocked regularly by Skittles so Joe will never have to worry about running out or scrounging for coins in the couch.
Joe is one of only four celebrities to get a Skittles machine. Other celebs include Khloe Kardashian andJasmine V.
It looks like Joe will always have a sweet treat for house guests.
Jonas Brothers klockor!!

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Var Miley en mobbare?
Nicole Mullen-Holm, som har känt Miley sedan de var små barn, säger att hon blev väldigt chockad när Miley skrev i sin bok "Miles to go" hur svårt hon hade det i skolan. Nicole säger att Miley var en bitch mot alla och kallade folk namn och retade andra tjejer. Hon var en verklighetens mean girl! Tror ni på Nicole? Tror ni att Miley faktiskt är en mobbare och endast hittat på saker för att få hennes fans att gilla henne mer?"

Omröstningen Miley = en mobbare? är en tjänst från där du enkelt kan skapa din egen läsarundersökning!
Min favorit jonas-låt
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Ny header!

Selena gomez: Jag är inte ihop med Justin!
Ögonvittnen berättade att de båda tonåringarna såg ut att ha en ”mysig dejt” på en frukostrestaurang i samband med deras uppträdande på en konsert i New Jersey föregående kväll (se bildspelet ovan).
— Vi hade uppträtt på samma ställe så vi gick ut och åt pannkakor tillsammans, säger Selena till MTV News.
— Det var allt. Helt oskyldigt, tillägger hon.
Justin och Selena har känt varandra i flera år och Selena har tidigare sagt att de är mer som syskon än någonting annat:
— Jag känner mig som en storasyster nu. Jag vill skydda honom och är väldigt vakande över honom. Han är extremt talangfull och väldigt rar. Han är en av mina bästa vänner. "
Källa: starlougnge
Vad tror ni? Nytt par eller inte?
Om jag får säga min mening så tror jag faktiskt inte att de dejtar. De känns mer som syskon som Selena sa.
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Nytt på bloggen!
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Selena gomez - My youtube contest
Style från jonas brothers och camp rock 2 turne
Miley Cyrus i drogskandal!

Enligt uppgift så är det drogen Salvia som Cyrus röker, en hallucinogen som är väldigt kontroversiell i USA då den fortfarande är laglig i bland annat Kalifornien. Videon sägs ha läckt ut efter att Mileys kompis telefon som hon använt för att filma blivit stulen. Aj då Miley, det här var inte bra alls! Se videon här!
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Ny video från Nick
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Joe Jonas i top chef ikväll

Nick jonas gjort en låt med Jasmine V
On The Spot

Nytt om Demi Lovato och den slagne dansaren Alex Welch
Demi Lovato, while on tour with the Jonas Brothers, punched one of her dancers, Alex Welch, in the face!
Apparently sources close to Demi are saying that she can't call Alex, since she is sequestered in treatment, but she is very sorry about what happened.
The whole thing started when Demi got in trouble the night before the fight. Tour managers on the Jonas Brothers world tour had questioned Lovato about her conduct, and Lovato suspected one of the dancers had tattled on her.
Alex said that she didn't know anything about Demi's actions and she had not said anything to the tour managers. However, apparently Demi thought she did, since the next day she walked right up to her and punched her in the face.
Now, Alex wanted to set things straight….and of course get a lawyer involved.
Let's see how it turns out! Maybe Alex will finally get her apology.
And we're urging him to stay silent. He's treading too deeply intoMichael Lohan territory.
Yesterday, it was reported that Alex Welch, the backup dancer who was on the bad end of Demi Lovato's alleged meltdown before going to rehab, is planning to sue the singer for their physical altercation.
Seeing a cue to look fatherly, Demi's dad Patrick Lovato issued a warning to the girl through the press. He said:
"Demi has really good lawyers and so does Disney, this girl shouldn't sue. She won't win. Demi is so successful and and she has plenty of money, that's why this girl would be going after her. She wouldn't do this if Demi wasn't famous."
Ah, so innocent! He has so much to learn about fame whoring.
She isn't suing Demi to get her money, just like you're not talking to the press because you're a concerned father. It's all about the attention, pops!
And if we're wrong and you truly are looking out for your baby girl, the first step would be laying off the interviews. Demi doesn't need you to speak for her. As you said, she has really good lawyers.
Just be there for her in a non-publicized way. That would help her TONS.
Before entering a rehab facility, Demi Lovato punched dancer Alex Welch in the heat of the moment, so it seems obvious that a lawsuit is in the works.
Luckily, reps from both sides are moving towards a settlement.
Welch’s attorney, Donald Karpel, said:
“Alex is seeking a settlement, an apology from Demi and a donation made to a charity of her choice." He also “has faith that we will reach an amicable settlement.”
The dancer was scheduled to do an on camera interview, but did not after a request from Demi's camp to hold off until the end of negotiations.
Demi's spokesman, Jesse Derris, said:
“Demi’s attorneys have had an initial discussion with Mr. Karpel. They are exploring the possibility of an amicable resolution of this matter. We do not plan on making further public comments during this process.”
“I hope to get this settled and put this behind me,” Alex added.
We hope so too!
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bild från twitter

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Jonas brothers som små!

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Jonas hundarna

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Joe's solo album update
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Joe Jonas i top chef
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Stars help support Alzheimer's charity
"The Jonas Brothers, Trey Songz, Chris Brown, andRob Thomas are among the stars who have unleashed their “wild sides” to raise money for an Alzheimer’s charity.
Actresses Leighton Meester, Dakota Fanning, Gabourey Sidibe and Anne Hathaway have also lent their support to The Elephant Project, an organization to raise cash and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association.
The stars have all posed with a stuffed toy elephant and special signed Elephant Project cards, which have been put up for sale on auction website
The 41 celebrity auctions are available to bid on until December 8."