Joe jonas live chat
Joe Jonas has been busy working on the studio on his solo album.
Make sure to pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly for a sneak peek of what Joe’s been working on. Don’t worry, Joe isn’t moving too far from the roots of the music you’ve grown to love from him.
He shares, “It’s not a cheesy pop record. Most of the songs are love-related, but I put responsibility on myself to grab their ears again.”
So what is the sound? Joe says, “The dance element is where my heart is.”
For even more, make sure to pick up the issue of EWwhich is on newsstands in NYC and LA today and everywhere on Friday.

Alice Ashely Greene Loves Her BF, Joe Jonas
And she's finally talking about it!
Obviously, it's no longer a secret that Twilighter Ashely Greene is dating Disney
star Joe Jonas. They're a couple made in tween-heaven!
Anyway, Ashley opened up about her relationship with Joe to TeenVogue magazine and explained that being together with such hectic schedules can be tasking, but worth it. She explains:
"We have a traveling relationship. We met through mutual friends in London, which is crazy because we both live in LA. And we've already met each other's parents, which I think is a good result of the kind of lifestyle we live. He's sweet and really funny, which is huge for me."
As it is for everyone, bb!
Then Ashley was asked to talk about the haters. You know, the ex-girlfriends the fans who love Joe and are forming prayer circles and sacrificing their cats spewing negative energy in hopes that their relationship will fail. Ashley pays them all no mind. She says:
"There's always going to be 'anti' in this industry. But the thing is, I have dealt with 'anti' before our relationship, and I will always have to deal with it. There will always be people who love me or hate me. That's why I try to focus on the positive."
Good plan! Living positively is the best revenge!
Källa: perezhilton.comJoe Jonas' Solo Album Inspired By Daft Punk?!
All right!
We think that this kind of switch-up will be much-needed if he wants this album to be a success!
Joe Jonas recently opened up about his upcoming solo project, which is being produced by Danja, and he's revealed that he wants his new sound to be similar to what Daft Punk did for the TRON
: Legacy soundtrack!
He explains:
"I think for me the biggest influences are Daft Punk. I love their music. There's a guy, Frankmusik, out of London
, a lot of electro DJs out in Europe
are doing some cool stuff right now. I just listen to a bunch of stuff you dance to, kind of electro-based. A lot of stuff that's so amazing [that] you can create on the computer. I think, for both of us, we are huge fans of the new 'Tron' movie. To be able to go on a musical journey for a while and finally with finding Danja and working with him, we've been able to collaborate on something that really works for me. And to find me and not try to mold it into something it's not, to try and be myself and my music and kind of tell stories and be honest and just have something … when people hear it, hopefully they'll be able to dance to it and have a good time."
We're not going to lie, we have a hard time picturing Joe taking his sound down this route, but if he can pull it off - and given Danja's presence, he just might - we think it's going to balls-to-the-wall AMAZING!
Get that dubstep on, bb!
We want to see if you can get us to want to dance the night away!
What do U think?? What should Joe's solo album sound like??
Paparazzi fråga Joe Jonas om han är gay!
Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene träffar Winston!
Joe Jonas sammanfattar 2010
This year has been a really fantastic year for me. Starting off with the 2nd season of Jonas LA being able to work along side such a great cast. To traveling to Africa with my best friends and having a life changing trip. Meeting kids and families who really know what lifes about.. love and family. Then touring again with my bros. America, Canada, South America, Abu Dhabi! It was a blast. Favorite tour yet. Of course would have been rad to go to Europe. But the fans that showed so much passion and love every night makes me wanna do this always.
Then now time for 2011. Crazy it's here already. I am excited, nervous, anxious. I hope all of you who have stuck by my bros and I. Family, Friends, loved ones, The Fans (best Fans ever) will be There to come along for a ride. A ride I'm pumped to start up.
2011. A new year. Thanks again. Love you all.
- J"

Did Joe Jonas Really Just Put a Ring on Ashley Greene?!
"Uh-oh, could another JoBro be off the market?
Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene were snapped arriving in LAX last night after spending the holidays with the Twilight star's family in Florida. Ash had her hands full with her dog, Marlow...and a gold ring on that finger!
So did Joe pop the question?
Not so much.
The stars' reps haven't responded to requests for comment, but a source close to the couple tells E! News that it's not an engagement ring.
Whew! JoBros fans can breathe a sigh of relief.
(And besides, that flower ring doesn't look like much of an engagement ring anyway.)
Joe and Ashley will be heading to Sin City for the Coldplay concert tomorrow night—let's see if she comes back with a different kind of ring on her finger!
Read more/källa:
Joe laddar upp inför det nya året!

Joe Jonas i top chef full episode
Joe & Ashley bor tillsammans?
Just a week after Ashley Greene gave her boyfriend Joe Jonas keys to her West Hollywood apartment [Granville Towers], a source told Star that Jashley are now living together in the two bedroom condo. Do you think Joe bought the Sleeper Sofa because he sleeps in the other bedroom? The friend revealed: 'Living..
..with a woman is totally new to him. He’s going all out to make it work. He wants them to last. Joe spent a lot of money to make her place more guy-friendly. Joe has already bought loads of home accessories like linens, lights & a new media center. He says Ashley has really girly tastes, so he wanted to balance out the place.'
Källa: Oceanup
Skittles machine
Joe Jonas is definitely about to get his fill of Skittles.
The 21-year-old has gotten his hands on a custom Skittles machine. The best part of the machine, which has the Skittles slogan “Taste the Double Rainbow” on it, is: No money required. The custom machine features a motion-operated voice recorder that Joe can customize with any message he wants and will be restocked regularly by Skittles so Joe will never have to worry about running out or scrounging for coins in the couch.
Joe is one of only four celebrities to get a Skittles machine. Other celebs include Khloe Kardashian andJasmine V.
It looks like Joe will always have a sweet treat for house guests.
Joe Jonas i top chef ikväll

Joe's solo album update
Joe Jonas i top chef
Joe & Ashley ute och går med sina hundar

Joe's tidiga julklapp!

Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene orsakade knivkaos på flygplatsen!
Visste du att Joe älskar att laga mat? Han älskar det så mycket att Ashley under semestern köpte ett set med ostknivar till Joe. Han packade dock ner dem i sitt handbagage vilket gjorde att de stoppades i säkerhetskontrollen, och i Mellan Östern orsakde detta stor panik! Bara en popstjärna kan göra något sådant!
Ashley berättade om incidenten på George Lopez show igår kväll och sa att allt Joe hade sagt var "Ojsan" och att hon var mera "Ojsan räcker inte, vi hade kunnat bli arresterade". Ashley var så generad och vi hoppas att Joe var det med! (Källa: USMagazine)

Update: Joe's egna album
This is gonna be inneresting…
Joe Jonas has made some major changes on his upcoming debut CD.
The singer was said to have started with a more softer sound, but has done a 180 and switched gears to a more dancey, upbeat record.
Joe told In Style, I began writing it with a Michael Buble mentality, but now I'm switching gears a bit." He's even asked electropop singer/producer FrankMusik to collaborate, adding, "He's awesome. We've gone through couple of different sounds."
It seems like Joe is definitely trying to make him stand out from the ol' JoBros sound.
Så va tror du? Kommer det att bli bra?

Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene besöker buddy the elf
It looks like everyone is getting in the holiday spirit!
Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene checked out the new Broadway show, Elf, based on the hit movie, last night in New York City. The duo posed backstage with the stars Sebastian Arcelus (Buddy the Elf) and George Wendt (Santa Claus).
Elf follows the adventure of a young man named Buddy who grew up at the North Pole believing he is one of Santa’s Christmas elves. When his adoptive father reveals he is actually human, Buddy heads to New York City to find his real family.