Miley Opens Up About Smoking Salvia For The First Time!
Finally! It was only a matter of time before she had to address what happened!
As pretty much everyone knows, a video of Miley Cyrus leaked a few months back featuring the former Disney starlet smoking what was alleged to be salvia out of a bong. She then proceeded to get high as balls, confused some stranger for her ex Liam Hemsworth, and attempted to rap Nicki Minaj.
Recently, Cyrus sat down with Marie Claire magazine while she was shooting So Undercover in New Orleans, and the incident was brought up, which prompted what we thought to be a prettyinteresting explanation!
At first, she reportedly went down the generic route, and apologized:
"I'm not perfect…I made a mistake…I'm disappointed in myself for disappointing my fans…"
But when she was asked, "But do you really think it was a mistake? Obviously college kids your age all over America are smoking bongs with a lot more than salvia in them," that MileyBird FINALLY seemed to get real, and explains:
"But they're not Miley Cyrus
. They're not role models. So for me it was a bad decision, because of my fans and because of what I stand for."
Ah-ha! Inneresting!
A very mature and PERCEPTIVE response! She does seem to understand the impact she has on her audience, and how even what would be a MINOR incident for any other kid her age is a massive deal for her.
Kind of makes us sad for her! But then again - she makes $48 million a year, so we guess everything has to come at a price!
We're glad you finally spoke out, bb! Hopefully you've learned your lesson, and will continue to grow up and come into your own!
Thanks for the insight!
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Miley Cyrus' E-mail hacker arristerad
21-year-old Josh Holly was arrested today in Nashville, TN and charged with possession of unauthorized credit card account numbers after FBI agents seized and reviewed his computer - all because he openly bragged about being responsible for hacking intoMiley Cyrus' e-mail and Myspace accounts and leaking all of those scandalous pictures of her back in the day!
According to an FBI affidavit filed with the U.S. District Court in Nashville, Agent Victor Rodriguez revealed that Holly's acknowledgement of hacking the pop star's internet accounts gave them cause to seize his equipment!
He writes:
"Holly made numerous admissions during the interview. He confirmed that he was the person who had obtained data from Miley Cyrus' MySpace account without authorization."
The affidavit explains that Holly, who worked for commercial companies sending spam, had no problem hacking into Cyrus' MySpace in 2007, where he obtained her Gmail password, and then discovered the leaked revealing photos.
According to the affidavit, Holly said in media interviews and Internet postings that he first hacked Cyrus' MySpace account around December 2007. He obtained a password from that account and used it to hack her Gmail account, where he obtained revealing photos of her that were subsequently widely distributed on the Internet.
Rodriguez writes that Holly told him he often hacked into the Internet accounts of celebrities to help with his job sending spam for commercial companies.

God jul önskar Miley Cyrus
Miley om vattenpipan "Det är ingen big deal - jag hade roligt"
Vi tror att nu när Miley är 18 har hon gjort det till sitt uppdrag att få fram en poäng. Hon är ingen söt och oskyldig tjej längre och hon vill att hela världen ska veta det! Att röka vattenpipa med "slavia och marijuana" eller vad det nu var är inte direkt det smartaste sättet att visa det Miley! Enligt Miley är hon inte det minsta orolig över vad folk tycker om hennes festande och påhitt, hon är allt för upptagen med att njuta av sitt liv och gå vidare med sin karriär. Sheesh! Vilken attityd!

Var Miley en mobbare?
Nicole Mullen-Holm, som har känt Miley sedan de var små barn, säger att hon blev väldigt chockad när Miley skrev i sin bok "Miles to go" hur svårt hon hade det i skolan. Nicole säger att Miley var en bitch mot alla och kallade folk namn och retade andra tjejer. Hon var en verklighetens mean girl! Tror ni på Nicole? Tror ni att Miley faktiskt är en mobbare och endast hittat på saker för att få hennes fans att gilla henne mer?"

Omröstningen Miley = en mobbare? är en tjänst från där du enkelt kan skapa din egen läsarundersökning!
Miley Cyrus i drogskandal!

Enligt uppgift så är det drogen Salvia som Cyrus röker, en hallucinogen som är väldigt kontroversiell i USA då den fortfarande är laglig i bland annat Kalifornien. Videon sägs ha läckt ut efter att Mileys kompis telefon som hon använt för att filma blivit stulen. Aj då Miley, det här var inte bra alls! Se videon här!
Grattis Miley!