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Joe & Ashley ute och går med sina hundar

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Joe's tidiga julklapp!

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Lauren Hermsen på Jonas Brothers & CR2 konsert
Joe i en korridor & en hiss!
Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene orsakade knivkaos på flygplatsen!
Visste du att Joe älskar att laga mat? Han älskar det så mycket att Ashley under semestern köpte ett set med ostknivar till Joe. Han packade dock ner dem i sitt handbagage vilket gjorde att de stoppades i säkerhetskontrollen, och i Mellan Östern orsakde detta stor panik! Bara en popstjärna kan göra något sådant!
Ashley berättade om incidenten på George Lopez show igår kväll och sa att allt Joe hade sagt var "Ojsan" och att hon var mera "Ojsan räcker inte, vi hade kunnat bli arresterade". Ashley var så generad och vi hoppas att Joe var det med! (Källa: USMagazine)

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Update: Joe's egna album
This is gonna be inneresting…
Joe Jonas has made some major changes on his upcoming debut CD.
The singer was said to have started with a more softer sound, but has done a 180 and switched gears to a more dancey, upbeat record.
Joe told In Style, I began writing it with a Michael Buble mentality, but now I'm switching gears a bit." He's even asked electropop singer/producer FrankMusik to collaborate, adding, "He's awesome. We've gone through couple of different sounds."
It seems like Joe is definitely trying to make him stand out from the ol' JoBros sound.
Källa: perezhilton.com
Så va tror du? Kommer det att bli bra?

Joe i en buss!
X the TXT - Jonas Brothers
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Grattis Miley!

Mean Girls 2
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Demi kommer inte hem till thanksgiving

Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene besöker buddy the elf
It looks like everyone is getting in the holiday spirit!
Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene checked out the new Broadway show, Elf, based on the hit movie, last night in New York City. The duo posed backstage with the stars Sebastian Arcelus (Buddy the Elf) and George Wendt (Santa Claus).
Elf follows the adventure of a young man named Buddy who grew up at the North Pole believing he is one of Santa’s Christmas elves. When his adoptive father reveals he is actually human, Buddy heads to New York City to find his real family.
Källa: Cambio.com
Joe får en kondom kastad på honom!

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Nick's Dog Tag

Demi Lovato hemma till thanksgiving?
Demi, who is very close with her family reportedly "doesn't want to be in the center" for the holiday and "wants to go home." Word also has it that Demi hopes to be able to catch her friend Miley Cyrus' performance at the AMA's, which we're guessing she'll do by watching on TV just like the rest of us. Either way, she does not plan to return to work before the new year.
We are so glad to hear that Demi is getting better! This is great news - in the meantime Sonny With A Chance is said to be focusing more on the show-within-the-show. Demi's next album is also allegedly being shelved for the time being to give her some time to get better. But the same source insists that everyone remains committed to her saying, "No one is abandoning her. But she is holding off on her music for a bit...and if she can get through this, she will come back stronger and bigger than ever." "

X the TXT - Kevin Jonas
Joe Jonas i Sonny With a Chance
Cambio Cares with Nick Jonas and Bayer - Episode 2
Simple Wins winner walks for Diabetes
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X the TXT - Nick Jonas
Från Twitter

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X the TXT - Joe Jonas
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Frankie jonas i "Tangled"
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World Diabetes day

Jonas Brothers & Camp Rock tour är slut

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New Details On Demi's Outburst And Why Joe Broke Up With Her
It seems that Joe Jonas had known all along that Demi Lovato was a bit troubled.
New details have emerged about the incident at the airport where one of the tour members says that after backup dancer Alex Welch snitched on Demi's partying ways, Demi went ballistic. The source added, "Demi walked onto the plane, did not look at the girl, then suddenly punched her in the face and threatened her with a slew of expletives. Demi's manager asked her, 'Are you in control at all?' She said, 'Sorry, I just lost it.'"
Wow. That is definitely somebody who is not in control.
According to sources, though, Joe had seen the warning signs long before her breakdown at the airport. Demi apparently acted like a "true teenager in love," however she seemed to be "tortured" and acted like a "mess."
Even her cutting became a focal point among her peers. The source says, "It wasn't a secret. She was getting help."
Unfortunately, she clearly needed even more treatment because it got to the point where "Demi's attitude and behavior were out of control" and that's why Joe ended things with her.
Sad. This really just seems like a lost teenage girl who let the fast life get to her. We just hope she recovers well in her treatment.

Syd amerika HIGHLIGHTS!
Cambio cares
Demi Lovato lämnar sin tv-show!
Tv-cheferna har bestämt sig för att skriva om manuset och istället fokusera handlingen på de andra karaktärerna tills Demi är frisk nog att komma tillbaka, men vi börjar undra om det är en sådan bra idé för henne att komma tillbaka alls... Demi verkar inte direkt ha speciellt mycket skinn på näsan, och man måste verkligen vara stark i sig själv för att kunna hantera all press som följer ett kändisskap. Så vi tror nog att det bästa skulle vara om hon bara försökte vara en normal tonåring för ett tag efter att hon kommit ut ur rehab... Bara en tanke!

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Jonas L.A.
It looks like “JONAS L.A.” has finished its run on the Disney Channel.
The Emmy-nominated series, which starred the Jonas Brothers, will end its run after two successful seasons. A statement from the company reads, “We’ve been fortunate to work with the enormously talented Jonas Brothers on several projects, including the Emmy-nominated series Jonas L.A. The series has concluded as scheduled after two very successful seasons, and all original episodes of its second season have aired.”
Don’t worry though, you’ll definitely be seeing a lot of the cast in the future. The Jonas Brothers are currently on tour in Latin America, Chelsea Staub can be heard on “Fish Hooks” as well as a new webseries called “The Homes,” and Nicole Anderson can be seen in the upcoming “Mean Girls 2” and as a recurring star on “Make It or Break It.”
The Jonas Brothers are talking about a number of projects in the near future (some known and some unknown)!
Källa: Cambio
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Living the dream
Demi's kollaps på grund av droger ?!
Vi hoppas verkligen att det inte är sant och att Demi kommer kunna fixa till sitt trassliga liv. Vi har tyvärr hört att Disney redan nu har planer på att ställa in Demis komediserie "Sonny with a Chance". Bli bra snart och klara din karriär Demi! (Källa: Radar via posh24)

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Ingen mer Jonas LA
After just one year on the small screen, Disney has pulled the plug on the show and cancelled Jonas LA. The show's director, Paul Hoen tweeted out recently: "Sadly no more Jonas LA." He deleted the message immediately following his tweet, but as we all know, once it's out there, it doesn't really go away. Now Disney is confirming the cancellation, but assures fans that the JBs will continue to work alongside Disney via Hollywood Records.
Music-wise, the JB's continue to have huge success, but what do you think about their show getting cancelled. Do you think the Emmy nominated program should've gotten at least one more season."....

från syd amerika
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Quddus South Amerika daries #27: BACKSTAGE W/JONAS BROTHERS
En liten video
Joe jonas i 90210

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MTV EMA idag

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JB & CR2 på tour
Grattis Kevin !

Jonas Brothers - meet the crew
Denise Jonas pratar om Nick's diabetes
cambio connect
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Nytt! Dagens Foto

Cambio Cares with Nick Jonas and Bayer - Episode 1
Ny video från Cambio
Demi full story. 2 st
According to various sources, included our friends over at JustJaredJr, a spokesperson for Demi says that she "left her tour early this weekend in order to seek medical treatment for emotional and physical issues she has dealt with for some time." The spokesperson added that "Demi has decided to take personal responsibility for her actions and seek help. She is doing just that. Demi and her family ask that the media please respect their privacy during this difficult time. She regrets not being able to finish her tour, but is looking forward to getting back to work in the near future."
As you all know, Demi did delete her twitter account just a few days ago, and on behalf of all of us here at ClevverTV, we are sending you love and hoping that first and foremost you're taking care of yourself..."
Demi var på turné tillsammans med Jonas Brothers när hon fattade beslutet, och enligt People var det ett bråk med en av dansarna som medverkar i showen som blev droppen som fick bägaren att rinna över.
En insider berättar för People att Demi ”inte har samma kärlek till livet som hon haft tidigare”. En annan källa som känner familjen Lovato väl, berättar för tidningen att Demi lider av ätstörningar.
— Hon har kämpat mot ätstörningar och har utsatt sig för självskador. Demi tar kontroll över sitt liv genom att söka hjälp, säger källan.
I dag är Demi 18 år, men redan i början på tonåren hade stjärnan ett komplicerat förhållande till sin kropp.
— Hon har definitivt haft problem med sin självbild. Hon var alltid väldigt medveten om sin vikt, säger källan.
— Som många andra tonårstjejer kämpar hon för att passa in och bli accepterad, säger en annan vän till familjen.
— Hon är väldigt känslosam och intuitiv och det är också en av orsakerna till att hon är en så duktig artist – så talangfull.
Källan tror att mobbningen som till slut fick Demi att hoppa av skolan har gjort henne starkare, men att hon ändå har perioder då hon drabbas av nedstämdhet.
— Jag tror att hon känner att problemen som hon hade, med barn som var otroligt elaka, gjorde henne starkare. Men ingen kan känna sig stark varje dag.
I september berättade Demi själv om sina problem i en öppenhjärtig intervju med People.
— Jag kämpar med att känna mig bekväm i mina kläder. Jag önskar att jag hade haft någon att se upp till när jag var yngre. Någon som kunde säga: ”Jag har också dagar då jag känner mig fet”. Jag vill starta en stiftelse eller något som arbetar för att tjejer ska känna sig självsäkra och som kan ge dem styrka, sa Demi när det begav sig.
Även sångerskans pappa, Patrick Lovato, har berättat om dotterns problem i en intervju med sajten Radar Online. Han tror att det är skönhetshysterin i Hollywood som är orsaken till Demis problem.
— Det är så mycket press. Det är något som jag oroade mig över redan innan hon skrev på för Disney, säger han."
från Starlounge
Sneak peek från Nick's diabetes special på Cambio Cares
Road Dogs

" While Cambio has been busy bringing you an exclusive behind the scenes of the Jonas Brothers and Camp Rock 2 Latin American Tour, there has also been time to catch up with some great Latin American musicians.
In Costa Rica, Cambio met with Las Robertas. This quirky indie band first met on the Internet and now can’t stop writing music together, even if it’s about finding a hair in their food.
Marre opened for the Jonas Brothers in Bogota and then took some time to hang with Cambio backstage. This youthful, rocker left her fans cheering for more.
Colombia’s Choc Quib Town’s energy is contagious. Their music reflects the duality of a people full of tears and happiness. After a listen to the powerful drums, guitars and Goyo’s rap, you are left
with a hopeful song the leaves you swinging your hips. (http://chocquibtown.com/) "