
Selena gomez skippar sin "purity ring" för bieber

Efter att bilderna läckt ut på nätet mottog Selena dödshot på Twitter frånJustins beundrarinnor, men det är inte bara Bieber-fans som bekymrar sig över romansen. Även Selenas föräldrar uppges vara förkrossade eftersom dottern har tagit av sig sin ”purity ring” sedan romansens början.
Enligt National Enquirer har ringen – som ska vara en symbol för Selenas beslut att låta bli sex före äktenskapet – nu försvunnit från sångerskans finger.
— Selena fick ringen när hon var tolv år och tog aldrig av den. Men när det började hetta till med Justin så använde hon den mindre och mindre, säger en insider till veckotidningen.
Enligt källan har Selenas föräldrar ingenting emot Justin som person, men de är rädda att förhållandet ska utvecklas till något annat än en oskyldig tonårsflirt.
— Selenas föräldrar älskar Justin, men de är väldigt konservativa. De skulle bli helt förstörda om hon gjorde något som hon senare kommer att ångra.
Happy New Year message to fans
Happy New Year Everyone!
It is that time again for remembering 2010 and looking ahead to 2011. 2010 was a year filled with incredible memories and we wanted to thank YOU guys first for everything.
2009 had a grand finale with the marriage of Kevin and Danielle. It was a dream wedding and none of us or anyone that was there will ever forget how beautiful it was OR how amazing Kevin and Danielle are for each other.
We started the year 2010 with the release of Nick’s side project, WHO I AM by Nick Jonas and the Administration, and a tour of North America.
“Being able to go on tour and release an album with the Administration was truly a dream come true. I learned so much from each member of the Admin, and it was so much fun being with all of you (the fans) at every show. Knowing that I had the support of my brothers made the whole journey even more special.”
Nick was featured on the cover of Parade Magazine highlighting his musical journey, along with being honored as Entertainer of the Year at the Young Hollywood Awards.
The first half of the year for the Jonas Brothers was spent filming the second season of our Disney TV show,JONAS LA. This brought us to LA, along with Macy (Nicole) and Stella (Chelsea). We are so thankful to all of the people that worked to make this season a success. In the summer, we released the soundtrack for JONAS LA.
After filming JONAS LA, we couldn’t wait to perform for our fans again and our performance at the Grove was unbelievable, performing past hits and the debut of LA Baby in front of a record breaking number of fans.
Watch the performance of “LA Baby” from the Grove
Watch the fan stampede at the Grove
We also performed at Angel Stadium, Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day, and made our second sold out appearance at the Houston Rodeo (over 72,000 people for the second year in a row).
Nick was able to go to London this year to perform in the West End production of Les Miserables. This was in anticipation of him being involved later in the year in the 25th Anniversary Concert at the O2. He was amazing in the production and received rave reviews and he ended up extending his run.
2010 was filled with numerous guest appearances for Joe on top hit shows such as American Idol, 90210, Hot in Cleveland (Joe had a blast with Betty White and the rest of the cast!) and Top Chef. Joe also decided to take a long awaited humanitarian trip to Africa. He visited schools, orphanages, and even joined Prince William in an event related to the conservation efforts in Africa.
Watch Joe’s Cambio Cares in Africa
“Going to Africa was the greatest trip of my life thus far.. I am looking forward to going back. While I was there, I met some of the most amazing families, kids and adults. They inspired me tremendously. Their happiness and joy was so strong. Even when they had so little, it seemed like they had a great deal of a much more important piece.. Love. I also got the chance to meet Price William. What a great person. Really cool to see what he is doing in Africa with his humanitarian groups.”
He also got to see some of the World Cup in South Africa (another dream come true) during that trip.
Being able to do what we can for the community has always been close to our hearts. And along with Joe being a part of Special Olympics events and the iWin Fun Runs, we also took part in the Hope for Haiti telethon, (RED) campaign, and continued our work for Friends for Change, and of course, the Jonas Brothers Change for the Children Foundation. Taking part in these types of causes was such a blessing and more than enough for us, but we were so honored to have been recognized at the DoSomething Awards and by the TJ Martell Foundation.
Kevin was a guest on Minute to Win It and he won the most money in the show’s history and donated it all to charity. He was AWESOME and had incredible ratings. He also had the opportunity to be on MTV’s When I Was 17 and shared his memories of back when he was a teenager. Kevin and Danielle also took time to spend with each other during the break, sharing their newlywed life together with their fans through People Magazine, USAToday, etc.
In July, we started our North American tour in amphitheaters in the US and Canada. This is the best part of what we do…SEEING THE FANS AND WATCHING THEIR INSPIRATION AND LOVE.
We also had the great honor to perform at the White House to honor Paul McCartney for the George Gershwin Prize, an experience that will never be forgotten – performing a song written by the legend in front of the man himself. Earlier in the year, we took part in another historical event, the re-recording of We Are the World with Lionel Richie, Quincy Jones, and many top artists of today.
In September, Camp Rock 2 – The Final Jam came out. It was the #1 Cable Movie of 2010, which just won the People’s Choice Award. We were also nominated for an Emmy for JONAS earlier in the year.
Nick went back to London during the break between the North and South American sections of the tour to perform in the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables at London’s O2 Arena. He performed alongside some of the world’s most talented and well-known performers. Nick had performed on Broadway as a child in the original production of Les Miserable and it was truly a dream come true for him to play Marius.
Following Nick’s Les Miserables performance, we left for Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Latin and South America, and performed and got to meet our fans in Abu Dhabi for the first time. Once again, the fans and concerts were amazing.
There are already some truly exciting things prepared for 2011. Some you know…SOME YOU WILL HAVE TOWAIT TO FIND OUT!
None of this would have been possible without you.
Thank you for continuing to allow us to Live the Dream with all of you guys.
Jonas Brothers
Kevin, Joe, and Nick
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Jonas Brothers live chat 11/01/11

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Gissa kändisen!

Sista avsnittet av hannah montana forever preview
Nick & Miley gör ett album tillsammans!

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Paparazzi fråga Joe Jonas om han är gay!
Miley Cyrus' E-mail hacker arristerad
21-year-old Josh Holly was arrested today in Nashville, TN and charged with possession of unauthorized credit card account numbers after FBI agents seized and reviewed his computer - all because he openly bragged about being responsible for hacking intoMiley Cyrus' e-mail and Myspace accounts and leaking all of those scandalous pictures of her back in the day!
According to an FBI affidavit filed with the U.S. District Court in Nashville, Agent Victor Rodriguez revealed that Holly's acknowledgement of hacking the pop star's internet accounts gave them cause to seize his equipment!
He writes:
"Holly made numerous admissions during the interview. He confirmed that he was the person who had obtained data from Miley Cyrus' MySpace account without authorization."
The affidavit explains that Holly, who worked for commercial companies sending spam, had no problem hacking into Cyrus' MySpace in 2007, where he obtained her Gmail password, and then discovered the leaked revealing photos.
According to the affidavit, Holly said in media interviews and Internet postings that he first hacked Cyrus' MySpace account around December 2007. He obtained a password from that account and used it to hack her Gmail account, where he obtained revealing photos of her that were subsequently widely distributed on the Internet.
Rodriguez writes that Holly told him he often hacked into the Internet accounts of celebrities to help with his job sending spam for commercial companies.

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Justin bieber fans dödshotar Selena gomez!
Som Starlounge tidigare rapporterat så fångades de båda tonårsstjärnorna påbild tillsammans i karibien under nyårshelgen. Bilderna visar hur de semestrar tillsammans ombord på en lyxyacht – och inte minst ser vi hur Justin kysserSelena.
Reaktionerna från Justin Biebers fans har inte låtit vänta på sig, rapporterarTMZ. Sajten har samlat en rad upprörda meddelanden riktade till Selena Gomez twitterkonto:
— Rosor är röda, violer är blå, @selenagomez, om du krossar @justinbiebers hjärta ska jag ihjäl dig slå.
— @selenagomez, jag svär vid Gud att jag ska döda dig!
— @selenagomez, om du är Justins flickvän så ska jag mörda dig, jag hatar dig!
Varken Justin eller Selena har velat bekräfta rapporterna om deras romans.
— Vi gillar bara att hänga med varandra. Folk ska inte få hindra oss från att gå ut på middagar och sånt, sa Justin till People förra månaden.
Källa: starlounge
Camp Rock 2 won a people's choice award

Jonas Brothers Saynow 05/01/11
Taylor Swift, Nick Jonas & Justin Bieber Make's Top 20!
Congrats to Nick Jonas, Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber!
The threesome made’s Top 20 Celebs Gone Good list for 2010 for their extensive work in charities throughout the year.
Check out their blurbs below:
#10 Justin Bieber visited and dedicated a music video to the many children battling illness worldwide, even raising $150,000 for a Buffalo, NY children’s hospital. Bieber also works with Pencils of Promise to help build schools and increase education opportunities in the developing world,donating $1 from every ticket sold to the org, which is no small change when you’re selling out giant arenas.
#6 Nick Jonas isn’t just 1/3 of the The Jonas Brothers and their Change for the Children Foundation. A leading diabetes advocate, Nick became this year’s National Chair for JDRF’s Walk to Cure Diabetes. He supports the cause everywhere he can, writing a blog that promotes diabetes awareness and even offering a personal visit for diabetes-sufferers who made a difference in their communities.
#3 Taylor Swift is a Tennessee girl, so when Nashville flooded this year, she jumped to its aid & donated $500,000 the relief effort. She also posed for a picture next to her favorite Nashville landmark to raise additional funds for the cause. Later this year, Taylor joined Scholastic to promote literacy through.
Log on to to see the rest of the list and find out how you can help in 2011!
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Nick's my simple win blogg, December
Happy Holidays everyone!
What a wonderful month December has been. It's great to be in one place for an extended period of time; especially as I have been busy in the studio working with my team on some amazing projects.
This is the time of the year when all those desserts come out for the Holiday Season, so I need to test regularly, and make sure I take the right amount of insulin so no Holiday Festivities are interrupted by irregular highs and lows. I find testing with my Contour® USB meter makes it easy to enjoy the things I like over the Holidays.
I wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season and Prosperous New Year!
My Simple Win this month: Testing properly so I am able to enjoy the Holidays with my family and friends.
Joe Jonas & Ashley Greene träffar Winston!
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Joe Jonas sammanfattar 2010
This year has been a really fantastic year for me. Starting off with the 2nd season of Jonas LA being able to work along side such a great cast. To traveling to Africa with my best friends and having a life changing trip. Meeting kids and families who really know what lifes about.. love and family. Then touring again with my bros. America, Canada, South America, Abu Dhabi! It was a blast. Favorite tour yet. Of course would have been rad to go to Europe. But the fans that showed so much passion and love every night makes me wanna do this always.
Then now time for 2011. Crazy it's here already. I am excited, nervous, anxious. I hope all of you who have stuck by my bros and I. Family, Friends, loved ones, The Fans (best Fans ever) will be There to come along for a ride. A ride I'm pumped to start up.
2011. A new year. Thanks again. Love you all.
- J"

Gott nytt år!